Track Descriptions: Rhythm Shuffle


This level indicates that you understand the fundamentals and are able to execute them. You’ve danced Lindy Hop before and taken a few classes. You are familiar with the foundations: toss-outs, lollies, out & ins, up-hold and down-hold patterns. You are working on becoming more comfortable stringing those moves together on the dance floor. Higher tempos are a bit challenging still since you are still trying to think of the move the comes next if you are a lead or how to keep your frame so you can follow.


This level is for experienced dancers. Your basics are solid. You have comprehensive knowledge of classic balboa moves and the connections they require. You may be competing at regional events or teaching in your scene. You feel comfortable dancing at tempos ~200 bpm. You are ready to learn new rhythms and variations. The material in this level will be challenging and move at a fast pace.